Vegan Midget Gems

A biographical audio experience surrounding the UK healthcare and benefits system.

Vegan Midget Gems was an immersive audio experience that depicted one woman's story of having emergency eye surgery and the aftermath that had upon her and her family. During this experience, the audience had their own sight stripped from them through the use of blindfolds ​ The audience was guided through the experience with a series of soundscapes and spoken narrative. Through this, viewers were able to gain insight into the challenges faced by those with vision impairment.

              (AI Image Generated from Piece Description)



The piece aimed to highlight how governing bodies and local councils don’t have a system in place designed to provide for those who undergo surgeries and medical procedures. This impacts their life and ability to work.  How the knock-on affect from this lack of financial and medical aid can be brutal to the most vulnerable people in our society. 

(Poster from Vegan Midget Gems Production)